• 21 / 485 Moo. 12
  • Bangna, 10260
  • تھائی لینڈ
  • ٹیلی فون:66-2749-2954
  • فیکس:66-2399-4465
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صفحہ اول


Square Cooling Tower Co., Ltd. was established in 1995 with 1 million baht initial investment. Afterwards, We have enlarged the business therefore we revised up the investment to 7 million baht later. We conduct business about manufacture, installation and after sell service of cooling tower including spare parts and all over cooling tower systems. Recently, Square Cooling Tower Co., Ltd. is controlled by Mr. Prasert Saengthongsakullert and Mr. Visak Thunyavan, both of them take the position of managing director. Initially, we manufactured cooling tower only after that we have expanded our operations in order to meet increasing demands with increasing the ability of manufacture all spare parts

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